So there's this page of "notable" stuff that's happened or happening, and
then there's a "blog" full of more day to day
- [12 Oct 2004] Some personal thoughts on bicycle component
- [06 Aug 2004] Circle Line
Parties: gobsmackingly good night jamming (on) the London Underground
and beyond!
- [13 July 2004] How to make bread.
It's easy! Go on, you know you want to.
- [23 June 2004] Mobile Clubbing
comes to NYC! Its very first time... Update: here's what
- [08 June 2004] Trying an experiment with the blog, What
am I up to.
- [02 June 2004] We're having a party, the Bad Joke Bar
Party! [04 June 2004] And it was great!
- [28 May 2004] Even though I host a bunch of blogs
I've never had one myself, 'til now (had a website for years but not a
blog). Let's see how it goes, the inchoate drivel.
- [25 Apr 2004] So Google approved having ads on here after previously
rejecting it as a home page. So, up they go; I get a few cents when
people click on them. Let's see what happens. Comments?
- [21 Apr 2004] How many people really know how to write a phone
number? Written for UK & US residents, many of whom need
serious help...
- [Jan, Feb, Mar 2004] Moved house, working
part-time on Urban
Tapestries (a social collaborative mapping experiment), and am
gearing up for Circle Line
Parties III. Most waking hours building Corrobbo (a full-spectrum groupware
- [23 Dec 2003] Whoops, I cracked my bike frame and axle thanks to
excessive abuse on/by London's roads.
- [18 Dec 2003] The Moroccan Christmas Party was a fine night! Thirty-odd of us nice 'n cosy in a sumptuous place, later getting into some full-on dancing, and more...
- [13 Dec 2003] "Santa Ali G" is created for one day and goes to Santacon UK 2003. An outrageously
entertaining 18hours ensues...
- [12 Dec 2003] I'm looking for two housemates for a gorgeous house in Southfields.
- [20 Nov 2003] Agent Smith seen at the Nov '03 UK Stop-the-War Demo.
- [14 Nov 2003] How to
find a venue in London. A collection of notes, suggestions,
and contacts.
- [12 Nov 2003] Passed my YMCAfit
Circuit Training module. Pretty intensive stuff, with some great
people. I really wasn't sure I'd get it though: imagine public speaking
but with your audience scampering around a gym...
- [17 Oct 2003] I've been working with community currencies / "open
money" for several months now.
We've put together the London Open Money
Projects - Inaugural Event, 17th Nov 2003. Open to all!
- [30 Sep 2003] This is too funny: google for National
Insurance enquiries. That's right, above a bunch of sites, including the Inland Revenue themselves!
- [22 Sep 2003] How to register as
self-employed in the UK.
- [08 Aug 2003] Silliness: What do you do when you find fresh road paint at 3am in the morning?
- [25 Jul 2003] It's hard to even write a strap line for this as it's so weird.
Esperanto, Perl, auction, charity.
- [03 Jul 2003] I noticed a curious godly
Greek & Latin connection between the terms osteoporosis and osteopenia.
- [01 Jul 2003] Finally admitting that I won't get around to doing
anything with them, I've put my available domain names online for sale.
- [22 Jun 2003] A week and three months later and still no alcohol. After a particularly
brutal night I removed anything alcoholic from my diet and have had
virtually not a drop since.
- [30 May 2003] I've been riding a bicycle without any gears or even
freewheel for about twelve years, and I'm often asked about it. So,
camera in hand, here's my scoop on cycling fixed gear and how to change its gear!
- [23 May 2003] Curious just how polluted central London is? Take a
look at what built up inside my cycling
gasmask/filter after a few hundred miles of usage.
- [Mar & May 2003] I have taken part in a couple of Landmark Education
seminars. Here's what I thought about the
Landmark Forum and Advanced courses, and what effect it had.
[14 Mar 2003] The second Circle
Line Party happened. I and the other organisers are still in giddy
shock. It was, really, unbelievably good fun.
[04 Feb 2003] I just checked the server logs and my personal essay on
experiences learning to work out regularly, how to get and stay
motivated is getting bazillions of hits. Yay! New
section on "Why".
[22 Jan 2003] After a truly grey hair-inducing episode with one of my
servers in Bath, I'm proud to announce
are now both housed in datacentres. Yeah baby. Get
with the geek in hosting.
[18 Jan 2002] On the to-do list for eons, a first stab at putting my book list online, and making a web presence for a book swap tool I've been building. All
just words right now.
[13 Dec 2002] How easy is it to distinguish "its" and "it's"? How to get a
gold star at grammar and spelling!
[02 Dec 2002] Arrgh.. much as I hate Amazon's patent
position I have succumbed and set up a wish
list. ...Mostly to keep track of stuff I'm interested in.
Frustratingly, the Amazon wish list databases are separate so I've gotta
maintain two. For anyone who's buying, new or used is fine! Go on, make
my day :-)
[21 Oct 2002] At last started a consumer
hell section kicked off with how to not buy
a train ticket.
- [07 Jul 2002] Qualified as a Level 1 Inline Skate Instructor
with the IISA. Yay! I now have a skating page.
- [23 May 2002] Been meaning to do this for ages; started a FAQ beginning with why am I not in NZ yet?
- [18 Mar 2002] Now hosting Travelog, Nik's rather cool
online travel diary app
- [14 Feb 2002] Back in the UK after three years of the
States. Some time later I wrote a retrospective look at what happened to
me when I left the US and started on the path to New Zealand: US exit to NZ. And indeed, why I'm not in NZ yet.
- [10 Jan 2002] For Christmas Santa K gave me a Wrist Camera. Really.
- [09 Jan 2002] My Compaq IA-1 Internet Appliance arrived today. So
immediately I ignored the Microsoft software that it ships with and installed Linux on it instead.
- [06 Jan 2002] Check out the panoramic view from outside my
(old) office in Pacific Grove, Ca. Requires Java for full effect.
- [08 Dec 2001] If you shoot a brazilliam eight times, then -1 OR 3*2>(0+5+207-207). Surrealist fun!
- [16 Nov 2001] They fight crime!
- [15 Nov 2001] Check out the view from my office.
That's right I got myself a ( webcam, and it's only the year
- [30 Oct 2001] I can be sent big files through this form -- much preferred
than doing it thru' email which doesn't deal with large files
- [14 Oct 2001] 350mile ride from San Francisco to Fort Bragg with
Justin and Cy, Cymike's Iron
Butt Rally
- [01 Oct 2001] Hosting a very good friend of mine's web site, Karen Marcelo.
- [28 Sep 2001] Created the Surfside bookmark recording
mailing list.
- [01 Sep 2001] Real
Programmers is now hosting Roadtrip! a free ride-sharing
BBS site by Tommy Tarka.
- [31 May 2001] Studying to be a ISSA Certified Fitness
Trainer (hey, geeks can have ripped abs & 16" arms too!).
- [15 May 2001] Check out the personal projects and toys.
- [14 May 2001] What's in my car?
- [02 May 2001] Need to send me something? Use a Freenet proxy operating on The various things I have on the web that might get me sued
(see below for examples) will end up here.
- [25 Apr 2001] Created the FOAD mailing list to
archive rants about consumer, boss, S.O., etc mistreatment. Help
your fellow human beings from the tyranny of others by recording
their misdeeds! Archived on the web forever!
- [Enormous six month gap] Hey, I don't write consistent weblogs, what
can I say.
- [21 Nov 2000] I was seriously flamed by someone (who by the tone of
the email clearly enjoys basking in the glow of righteous
indignation) for posting a link to a couple of pages with pictures
of a serious burns
victim case from So rather than disturb
these poor people's censored view of reality (yes folks, nasty
things happen Out There) I set up an open mailing list on Contributors wanted!
- [13 Nov 2000] Toy time again, this time not prompted by injury
(yay!). Trip, mellow or rave out with Psychle. This toy was inspired by me
bagging another four-letter domain name ( which needed an appropriate
home page place-holder. This is that place-holder. (While I figure
out how to implement the real project...)
- [20 Oct 2000] I recently sliced the palm of my hand open with an
appropriately named hand-blender. I'd barely woken up, was cleaning
it, ... I was so spaced the rest of the day I couldn't focus on work
so I wrote (yes, my hand still worked, albeit messily) a little
interactive art gallery. See if you can find the surprises... Have
fun with