I have a few domains that realistically I won't get around to using in
the foreseeable future. I would rather someone with A PlanTM bring them to
the world than me just sitting on them. Contact me with your offer! Most of these
are worth (judging by auction sites etc) at least $200 each.
They're all currently listed at SEDO.
- amyl.org
- axer.org
- citysquires.com
- curve.net
- garyhaslam.com
- gaude.com
- ginnyruffnersentourage.com
- gtin.org
- gymdiary.com
- hues.org
- leggybabes.com
- live24x7.com
- lout.org
- madamegeneva.com
- myroaming.com
- myroaming.net
- paulmakepeace.net
- paulmakepeace.org
- premierdns.com
- premiernames.net
- roundupproductions.com
- sellingwithoutselling.com
- serendipp.com
- spiritualmessageservice.com
- statusknow.com
- sweatlondon.com
- thegentsclub.com
- tomhertz.com
- uberblog.com
- uberblog.net
- uberblog.org
- venue.net
- workdiary.net