10K day -- calculate when your 10,000th day
alive is. An excellent excuse for a party!
Lout.org -- One of several
four letter English-word domain names I snagged with a scripted
"attack" on a domain name registrar. This one is
as the name suggests rather low brow and currently hosts the Politically Incorrect mailing
list, which is low traffic and (so far) very high quality
Websites have been uncovered by its members... Also on lout.org is
amyl.org -- another cool four-letter
domain name. Right now it has an interactive photo gallery that uses
nested frames in extremis. There are several 'easter eggs'
on the site...
ubercool.com -- this has had
a colorful history, originally intended to be a satirical magazine
poking fun at the London "new media" scene, then going to
be a repository of uberart and ubercode, then... well I ended up in America earlier than I'd planned and it sat around for
a loong time.
Then in June 2000 I wrote a web-based interface
to web-pages so my fellow co-Burning Man groupies in the Spiral Oasis camp could edit the
site themselves (add names, cell phones, etc). It's like WikiWeb, editthispage.com, etc except mine
took less than 10hrs to write [and isn't as good obviously, but is
quite neat]. It worked and gave rise to some fun stuff so I left it
running on ubercool.com (which you too can
edit!) and forgot about it.
Occasionally I'd check back and some random additions had popped up and
a couple of people even set up their own mini-homepages!
Then of course someone got smart and turned it into a porn site.
(And I won't interfere with their right to express themselves unless
they gobble much more diskspace or have anything with children...). All
roads lead to sex, eh?
perlismybitch.com -- never really intended to do anything with this,
just thought the name was funny. Shortly after it was registered, and
quite coincidently, another Brit made some PIMB t-shirts which caused an
insane and embarrassing ruckus with one of the original Perl authors...
This has pretty much tarnished anything I would do with this domain and
it's already expired and will disappear when register.com is bored of
it. Update: It did indeed expire, and another London Perl Monger picked it up.
Hues.org -- To become a user-driven
system for experimenting in color combinations and building
online palette portfolios. Right now it is just a silly color psychler.
They Fight Crime! (by Andrew Wheeler
& Alasdair Watson, re-written in Perl by me).
Surrealism "What is picklesworth? The colorful machine tools in my bathtub."
Quips and insights from an open online database. Submit your
own enlightened thoughts!
Love Quotes -- Originally a tiny bit of
another site but kind of interesting anyway. Check out the spam quotes from real live spam! May be
base twelve (base12.org) -- a shrine to the number system we should've had, base
twelve (i.e. have six fingers)
Stuff I tend to talk about
(and the hot air just keeps a-blowin')
FuckedConsumer.net -- consumer/victim-driven rant
and self-help site. This is currently redirecting to FOAD. At some point the
owner of this site (er, I guess that's me) will get sued for whatever info is on there...
(By which time Freenet or some similar service will be a big part of
FC's existence.)
tantrix.org -- This was my first ever domain name! I've been calling
myself Tantrix online (ICQ, email, IRC, etc) since I came up with the
name in 1995. One day maybe I'll get myself photographed by someone
who knows what they're doing in various states of undress and post
it up there.
Yeah, that last paragraph was kind of ambiguous,
wasn't it :-)