Paul Makepeace ;-)

June 18, 2004

Thursday Booze & Comedy

Posted in: Travel

Transposing a couple of digits for the time of a flight itinerary could spell disaster. For me I read 08:50 as 08:05 which, combined with for once arriving at the airport the requested 2hrs before, had me in LHR a full 2h45 before my flight - the earliest I've ever been for an aeroplane in my life. (My usual technique is using Xtreme Charm on the gate attendants to re-open the plane...)

I'm most impressed with British Airways' dedication to inebriating their passengers. Caught up by the neighboring couple's great suggestion of a gin & tonic I order one too. The steward, a large redfaced Englishman called Gary, suggests "here, take two, it'll save me coming back later." We all consider that a great suggestion too. Not content with issuing a third of a liter of gin he immediately asks, "Would you be needing wine with your meal?" The equivalent of a bottle of wine appears for the three of us, with only small packets of airy snacks to bravely and futilely attempt to soak it all up.

Flight, not surprisingly passed quickly. Lovely. I realize this is so last century but I still marvel at the technological innovations that led up to the possibility of being projected across the Atlantic at 550mph in a large aluminium tube listening to easy music all the while being deliciously sozzled in gin.

Very pleasant afternoon chat with Joe, we met up with Stefan, Marshall, and Sandira at the Comedy Cellar in Greenwich Village and caught no less than three hours of really high quality comedy, with only a two-drink minimum cover ($8). Amazing.

So this woman lived to 115. I mean 95 is seriously old, right? But 115. Jeez, that's like the Grim Reaper lost the paperwork.
Posted by Paul Makepeace at June 18, 2004 20:19 | TrackBack
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