Hello! I am Paul Makepeace. Yes, it's my real name. (If you're also
a Makepeace, check out the
Family page and add yourself to the tribe!)
Right now I live in Bristol and London in the UK having just
got back from
Monterey, California
which is about 120miles south of San Francisco. Going back in time:
Houston, Texas for my first job in the USA; before that London, England
contracting web stuff; King's College, Cambridge University;
Bristol for most of my life; finally
Johannesburg, South Africa as a little boy.

I'm an Aries,
Tiger, 1.80m (5'11"), 75kg (165lb; 11st11), and could competitively eat
Pad Thai. Scarily, I dropped at least 15lbs after being back in the UK
for six months recently - stopping weight training and taking cycling up
Back in the gym now though!
Lucky boy!
Talking of astrology, check my
Chinese Luck Level prediction. Wow! Apart from a dodgy 50s and 60s
my entire life luck seems to be pegged at "11". The last couple of
decades certainly seem to have borne that out...
If you like, you can
for my name on the web. There is more than one of us: I'm the
skating, unicycling,
rowing (Cambridge, UK),
programming, (e.g. the archives),
mail server tweaking,
deploying, mountain bike &
motorbike riding one. I can normally
be reached using
ICQ using UIN
1458104. Except recently my database
crashed (again) and I can't find it in my weary soul to fix it (again).
There is a
projects and a
toys section. If you are a fantastic graphic
designer and would like to start a team definitely check these out!
My various inboxes are a swirling vortex of interesting (and
occasionally not so interesting) URLs friends and other folks on
lists have ferreted out. In an attempt to create a collection of the
ones I may conceivably want to check out again I have created a
mailing list Surfside. Who knows,
someone besides me might actually subscribe to this!
Also hosted here (same server, different domain) is the Politically Incorrect Mailing
Yup! If you did that web search for my name you've probably guessed
by now that amongst other things I'm a programmer. If you are too, or
just might like to be involved with making a site designed
specifically for developers with some potentially effective and
innovative learning aids, have a look at Real Programmers.
I own lots of personal domains and
host several
others. Rather than psycho-analyzing why
("Ja ja, tell
me about your mother..."), I'll just tell you what some of
them're for:
Paul Makepeace
.com will furnish you with a reasonably up-to-date
résumé a.k.a. CV in
plain text,
PDF formats (No MS Word! I don't have a license!).
Paul Makepeace .org
just points back here for now and
Paul Makepeace .net is a
(temporarily offline) secure web-based email server à la And it's all mine, I tell you, all mine! Muhahaha!
I have another couple of homepages on business networking sites: Paul Makepeace on Ryze and Paul
Makepeace on Ecademy. Unfortunately I find it hard to keep myself
serious for very long so these pages are a bit on the silly side. At
least I'm in good company in that respect on Ryze :-) My online name is
I have a lovely and wonderful family. So lovely and wonderful they have
their own places on the web, for example the nascent Makepeace Family Wiki, my brother Nik Makepeace (résumé; phear his
skillz), Dad Chris Makepeace, and Mum Eira Makepeace.
I'm a four-times attendee of
Burning Man (a.k.a. Black Rock
Arts Festival) mostly with the
Oasis group. Here's a mini-site of a few pics I took in 1998:
Paul M.'s BM pix. You
never know, in two years time I might put up this year's pics :-)
Update, late 2001: Er, apparently not!
Meeja Stud-eez
My email address is (sing along with me!)
paulm(at) When you
click on it I'm afraid you'll need to edit out the anti-spam trap.
No, more!