Paul Makepeace ;-)

Landmark Advanced Course

Here are some of my experiences from the rockin' Advanced Course, from an ecademy blog.

As I excitedly posted about my Landmark experiences a couple of months ago I thought I'd make a note of the things that have happened since then. If only to counter the "oh, you were just excited" comment from the cynics :-)

The course this past weekend has shown me the start of my life's purpose (or "cause" as ecademists are wont to call it).

It's humanity being in total communication, and with a communication they own (versus centralised orgs like corps & govt). Everyone can talk to everyone, everyone has net/email/phone access, everyone can publish, no-one is censored. There are all sorts of system, social, political, philosophical ramifications and people to get in contact with and enrol in this but as I look at it it weaves in almost everything I'm interested and passionate about (even esoteric stuff like Esperanto!)

In the last two months since the 3.5day Forum I have five years of personal tax sorted and can no longer even relate to Paul Makepeace of 1974-2002 on, amongst others, paperwork issues. The impact of this immense procrastination on me has been mentally, emotionally, and financially severe. It's now irrelevant history, and how I deal has been transformed: I think the time between some recent IR correspondence hitting the doormat, being scanned, annotated, and then emailed to Deepak my accountant was about 12mins...

I am registered on a Gym Instructor course due complete in August, something I've put off since 2001. (Thanks to encouragement from Suzy Reading). My focus has improved to the point I'm tackling complex software challenges the likes of which I wasn't even sure I was capable of (ask Chris Worth, he seems to be able to come up with them pretty consistently ;-). As I'm completing my past and getting in fuller communication with everyone my sleep at night--a problem most of my conscious life--has become easier and easier. My relationship with my family is even better than ever.

In the Advanced course, identifying my central Act (relentless self-betterment for superiorty to make up for missing acceptance and approval in childhood/teens) has allowed me to see and be beyond all this drama where I can instead use the passion to fulfill a possibility free of the soap-opera. Learning who I am and finding a pattern to the confusing mish-mash of my life is beyond words.

I'd be delighted to talk more about this either this or the Landmark experience. There is actually an introduction tonight where I'll probably have a chance to share what I got out of it to several hundred other people. Drop me a line -- it's at 203 Eversholt St 7 for 7:30pm. Few other ecademists will be there too, not to mention the dozen or so (at least that I know) other Landmark ecademists!