[Surfside] BA issues handcuff amnesty for staff

Paul Makepeace bookmarks@paulm.com
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:41:15 -0800


``British Airways has announced a handcuff amnesty for staff after 255
pairs of cuffs went missing.

A spokeswoman told Ananova 17 pairs had been used to restrain unruly
passengers, but the other pairs were missing.

She said staff would not be punished in any way if they return any
company handcuffs they may have.

A memo in Cabin Crew News suggested either a large number of cuffs were
used in restraint, or BA employed a lot of fetishists.

The memo in the internal magazine, written by Simon Packer, head of BA's
safety and evacuation systems, said: "Your exotic practices in the
bedroom are your own business, but please stick to the Ann Summers furry

"Replacing the ones from the restraint kit is costing BA a fortune." 

The BA spokeswoman told Ananova: "Clearly our crew are so professional,
they practise restraint procedures at home."

Story filed: 15:26 Sunday 20th January 2002''