You're welcome to include CGI programs on your site! Perl 5.6.1, Python
2.2, and Ruby 1.6.7 are available. You are not restricted to having
programs in your
directory. In order for the CGI
programs to be enabled, please upload your scripts, tell me where they
are, and I'll set them to be executable. If you have a shell account you
can of course do this yourself (
chmod +x
Notes on CGI use
There are many "canned" scripts floating around the net which while
useful have serious security implications. One such offender is Matt's
Script Archives which has a particularly appalling record -- I see on
average three or four several automated attacks on the MSA ""
script every day. Fortunately there is a replacement,
NMS CGI which are drop-in
Matt's Script Archive programs are categorically
disallowed here, please use these other ones!
Perl CGI
- Scripts must be in Unix or PC format, that is ending with Linefeeds or
Carriage-Return+Linefeed pairs. Mac format, just carriage-returns,
will not work. There will be an option in any decent Mac editor to
save in Unix (or failing that PC) format.
- There must be an interpreter line on the first line, one of
#!/usr/bin/perl -options
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -options
- If you need addtional modules from CPAN, let me know and I'll
install them.
N.B. "program" is a more general word for "script".