This mini-site works from the basic premise that the humanity likes it
easy & finds math hard and puts forward the idea that we as a
species would really be a whole lot better off had we adopted a number
system based on the number twelve rather than the number ten.
In the course of this exposition I hope you'll get an insight into what
I believe is one of the side benefits of a numbering system based on
twelve: that it has a beauty and aesthetic appeal beyond just making
performing long division easier.
Don't worry, you don't have to have any special mathematical knowledge
beyond basic arithmetic to follow this, everything's explained!
Please note: This site is still being written. If you stumbled
on it then you're looking at it before it's been "released".
By all means enjoy it but please realize it's incomplete.
Feedback's still most welcome
Wow, my curiosity is piqued. Tell me more!
About this site
Paul Makepeace